
About Ekundayo

Ekundayo, which means ‘sorrow becomes joy’ began his art career before picking up a pen or a paint brush. Ekundayo’s art doesn’t begin with paint or pencil, it begins with philosophy. That philosophy was cultivated in an unstable early childhood in which he lived a transient lifestyle due to his father evading arrest for the abduction of his son.  With his father’s death at age eleven that inherit need for security and shelter was something that Ekundayo learned to cultivate within himself through the aid of his family. Childhood was difficult, but it set the framework for the philosophical message he would later in life deliver through art. By transmuting early childhood reversals, Ekundayo passes on his wisdom gained through enduring hardships and realizing that the destination is only the starting point for the next journey. Through his works we are inspired to take an internal eternal journey of self realization and discovery.